The Life and Career of Dr. Chon Tran.

Today, as the 5th anniversary of my Dad’s passing, Michael would like to write briefly about my Dad’s life and career. I’ll talk about him not as a son writing about his father. But Michael will talk about him as a Vietnamese person who is very proud of another Vietnamese person because that person is a very caring son, a very protective brother, a very loyal husband, a very sacrificed father, very self-sacrificing, and especially a very strong-willed, resilient, moral and generous person towards those who are poor or less fortunate than him. His life had many upheavals, from a poor child of only 10 years old who lost his Father and lived far from home, studied by kerosene lamp, became a Major Doctor of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam, was able to study abroad in the US, was imprisoned. Went to political prison for 3 years after the Vietnam War in 1975, lost everything, became the Chief Doctor of the Trial Department at Thu Duc Hospital, became famous and had his heart set on the new Government, sacrificing everything. all to go to America for the future of my children. After coming to America at the age of 55, I still tried to re-study for my Chiropractor degree. In my old age, my health was weak, I studied in a cold garage or Patio, I graduated as valedictorian and passed the State Board of Chiropractor exam at the age of 58, opened clinics in Little Saigon and San Diego, retired peacefully and lived to be 83 years and 3 months old or 999 months. Michael would also like to sing the words that Michael wrote to Michael’s father on his last day. If Michael makes any spelling or rhyme mistakes, please forgive me. This song is titled “Dad, Where Are You?” to express the feeling of a child far away from his Father. It also revisits the concept of Michael as a child when Michael’s father went to school for 3 years and Michael was only about 1 or 2 years old. At that time, listening to what his aunts and uncles told him, Michael could only walk slowly and say a few breakthrough sentences, “Ba guu, Ba tu”, which means “Where is dad, where is dad”. Therefore, now Michael also dedicates this song to those who have lost their father.

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